
Hi, I’m Giorgio Presti, an Italian researcher in Computer Science, musician, and sound artist who turns pizza into boring music with very low efficiency.
As a child, I enjoyed recording noises with my grandfather’s tape recorder, pushing the reels with my fingers to slow down the tape. Since then, the idea of manipulating sound with my hands got me.
As a teenager, I continued to play with sounds thanks to the computer (with a famous MS-DOS tracker), while also exploring visual arts with 2D and 3D drawing applications.
So I began to study Computer Science and moved on to the development of rudimental multimedia tools, but I still didn’t have a great artistic awareness: what guided me was a personal (and still poorly defined) aesthetic sense, as well as a “scientific” approach to the subject.
During my adolescence, at the beginning of my computer experiments, I came into contact with the videogame Quake, which made me aware of my aesthetic guidelines: the creative use of noise, the minimalism, and the rejection of categories (it is all so ‘900).
In early 2000, my fascination with noise drove me as a music producer: I started recording bands and playing with other people. In particular, it is thanks to 3 projects that I was able to explore the corners of music I liked the most: the industrial rock with Son of Noise, free electronic experiments with Corrado Saija (which would later lead to a career in interactive multimedia art installations), and more theatrical musical forms with Catharsis.
At the time, my passions let me find a small job as a graphic designer in Brescia, and later (when I started university) as a video editor and mastering engineer in Milan. I put together an archive of my works but it is far from being exhaustive.
I have a bachelor’s degree in “Science and Technology of Music Communication”, a master’s degree in Computer Science, and a PhD in Computer Science, with a thesis entitled “Signal Transformations for Improving Information Representation, Feature Extraction and Source Separation”.
My degrees made me realize that I love to mix art and science. I expressed this attitude by developing my own VST plugins and authoring interactive multimedia installations (an activity that let me teach New Media Arts in the Academy of Fine Arts “Santa Giulia” in Brescia until my work as a researcher became my main job).
Now I am working at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Milan, carrying out research activities in the field of Sound and Music Computing at the Laboratory of Music Informatics. I also teach how to write audio software (both plugins and generative tools) and I am a Certified Steinberg Cubase Trainer.
I decided to put together this website to distribute some of the software I wrote for myself, hoping that it will also be useful for someone else.
You can listen to my music on Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, Amazon Music, Deezer, Tidal, and many other platforms.
You can contact me by writing at info@signalperspective.com